
Dr. Paul Mason, MBBS (Hons), MD, FACSEP

Dr. Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr. Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For the last two years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Books on Dr. Paul Mason, MD

Video Presentations from Dr. Paul Mason, MD

"My Story" - Dr. Paul Mason

Dr. Paul Mason hasn't always been low carb. In fact, he was quite the opposite. Hear his journey and learn more about why he advocates for a low carb approach to eating as a form of management for type 2 diabetes.

"Low Carb From a Doctor's Perspective" - Dr. Paul Mason

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For the last two years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

"Treating Metabolic Syndrome" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Treating and Preventing Dementia - How Diet Can Work When Drugs Fail" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Evidence Based Keto: How to Lose Weight and Reverse Diabetes" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Are You Smarter Than a Doctor? What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition" - Dr. Paul Mason

"The Truth About High Cholesterol" - Dr. Paul Mason

This lecture is part 1 of 4 delivered by Dr Paul Mason at the Low Carb Down Under Gold Coast conference in October 2022. Dr Mason demolishes the weak science that LDL cholesterol is inherently harmful, and brings nuance to the conversation in a way that can be easily understood.

"The Shady Truth About Statins" - Dr. Paul Mason

This lecture is part 2 of 3 delivered by Dr Mason at the Low Carb Down Under Gold Coast conference in October 2022. Dr Mason exposes the catastrophic harms caused by the first cholesterol lowering drug, Triparanol, and the guilty verdict that followed. 

This is followed by a brief history of statins, including the high rates of cancer in test animals seen with the first statin to come to market, and the massive (+$1,000,000,000) legal payouts made to settle lawsuits from statin side effects.

Specific statin side effects, including dementia are covered, followed by a close analysis of the measurable benefits that may be attributed to statins. This includes a review of a recent paper co-authored by David Diamond, Ben Bikman and Paul Mason that discusses how to identify who is likely and not likely to benefit from statin therapy using triglyceride and LDL levels.

"Hard Science on the Real Cause of Heart Disease - Why You Should Avoid Seed Oils?" - Dr. Paul Mason

This is the third and final lecture of a 3 part series delivered by Dr Mason at the Low Carb Down Under Gold Coast conference in October 2022. 

The prevailing theory of atherosclerotic heart disease is demolished and Dr Mason carefully constructs a case, using peer reviewed science, that blood clots are in fact, the main source of atherosclerosis. The nexus between the triglyceride to HDL ratio and heart disease is examined with particular reference to the root causes of cardiovascular mortality.

As a bonus, Dr Mason lifts the lid on just what exactly makes seed oils so problematic.....and it comes down to much more than oxidation stress. The major issue in fact, is that seed oils contain phytosterols, or fake plant cholesterol, which interferes with the normal essential functions of cholesterol within the body.

"Saturated Fat Is Not Dangerous" - Dr. Paul Mason

"High Cholesterol on a Ketogenic Diet (Plus Do Statins Work?)" - Dr. Paul Mason

"The Truth About Statins" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Blood Tests on a Ketogenic Diet: What Your Cholesterol Results Mean" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Carnivore Diet & Optimal Health" - Dr. Paul Mason

Answering Questions About Vegan & Carnivore Diets - Dr. Paul Mason

"From Fibre to the Microbiome: Low Carb Gut Health" - Dr. Paul Mason

"How Lectins Impact Your Health: From Obesity to Autoimmune Disease" - Dr. Paul Mason

"The corrupt history of the food pyramid" - Dr. Paul Mason

"Logical Fallacies of a Vegan Diet: Why You Shouldn't Feed Your Child a Vegan Diet" - Dr. Paul Mason

Scholarly Articles from Dr. Paul Mason, MD