
Stephen Phinney is the former Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder of Virta Health, the first clinically-proven treatment to safely and sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery.

As a physician-scientist with 40 years of experience divided between academic internal medicine and industry, Dr. Phinney has studied nutritional biochemistry with a long-term focus on low carbohydrate research and its benefits for physical performance and insulin sensitivity. His career has emphasized the interaction between diet and exercise and their effects on obesity, body composition, physical performance, and cellular membrane structure.

A Professor of Medicine Emeritus at University of California, Davis, Dr. Phinney is an internationally recognized expert on obesity, carbohydrate-restricted and ketogenic diets, diet and performance, and essential fatty acid metabolism. He has held clinical faculty appointments at MIT and the Universities of Vermont, Minnesota, and California at Davis as well as leadership positions at Monsanto, Galileo Laboratories, and Efficas.

Dr. Phinney's clinical experience includes inpatient and outpatient clinical nutrition, directing multidisciplinary weight management programs in three locations, and he has designed, completed, and published data from more than 20 clinical protocols involving diets, exercise, oxidative stress, and inflammation. His extensive experience in the design of clinical nutrition trials in both academic and industrial settings has led to more than 87 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters on clinical nutrition and biochemistry. He is the author of four books, including The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance, two foundational books on low carb nutrition science and nutritional ketosis that he co-authored with Jeff Volek, Ph.D, RD. Dr. Phinney also previously served on the editorial board of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Dr. Phinney received his medical degree from Stanford University, holds a Doctorate in nutritional biochemistry and metabolism from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completed post-doctoral research at Harvard University.

Carbohydrate restricted diets are commonly practiced but seldom taught. As a result, doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, and nurses may have strong opinions about low carbohydrate dieting, but in many if not most cases, these views are not grounded in science. Now, whether you are a curious healthcare professional or just a connoisseur of diet information, two New York Times best selling authors provide you with the definitive resource for low carbohydrate living. Doctors Volek and Phinney share over 50 years of clinical experience using low carbohydrate diets, and together they have published more than 200 research papers and chapters on the topic. Particularly in the last decade, much has been learned about the risks associated with insulin resistance (including but not limited to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and type-2 diabetes), and how this condition is far better controlled by carbohydrate restriction than with drugs. In this book, you will learn why:

•Carbohydrate restriction is the proverbial ‘silver bullet’ for managing insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes

•Restricting carbohydrate improves blood glucose and lipids while reducing inflammation, all without drugs

•Dietary saturated fat is not a demon when you are low carb adapted

•Dietary sugars and refined starches are not needed to feed your brain or fuel exercise

•Long-term success involves much more than simply cutting out carbs

•Electrolyte and mineral management are key to avoiding side effects and ensuring success

•Trading up from sugars and starches to a cornucopia of nutrient-rich, satisfying, and healthy foods is empowering

•Studying hunter-gathers’ diets provides clues to how best formulate a low carbohydrate diet. This is a great book for health-minded individuals. It is an excellent book for healthcare professionals. Best of all, it is the perfect gift for health-minded individuals to share with their doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists

PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary, analysis and review of the book and not the original book.

In their book, "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable," Jeff S. Volek and Stephen D. Phinney make a convincing argument that the human body does not NEED carbohydrates to survive and provide the science behind their claims.

This SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis offers supplementary material to "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" to help you distill the key takeaways, review the book's content, and further understand the writing style and overall themes from an editorial perspective. Whether you'd like to deepen your understanding, refresh your memory, or simply decide whether or not this book is for you, SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis is here to help. Absorb everything you need to know in under 20 minutes!

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance

by Dr. Stephen Phinney & Dr. Jeff Volek

A Revolutionary Program to Extend Your Physical and Mental Performance Envelope. Our recent book 'The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living' was written for health care professionals, championing the benefits of carbohydrate restriction to manage insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type-2 diabetes. In response, our athlete friends asked "What about us?" This companion book is our answer, and it could be titled: 'The Art and Science of Avoiding the BONK'. But actually, it is much much more than that. The keto-adapted athlete benefits from superior fuel flow not only when nearing glycogen depletion, but also during training, recovery, and in response to resistance exercise as well.

"On a well designed ketogenic diet as recommended by Jeff and Steve, I consume up to 4200 Calories per day while maintaining 6-7% body fat. This transformation has increased my power to mass ratio and allows a high level of performance in a range of activities. Equally if not more important is the efficiency with which I operate in every facet of my life. My energy level in the keto-adapted state is constant and never undulates." - Tony Ricci, MS, CSCS, LDN, CISSN, CNS. High Performance Coach/Sports Nutritionist

New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great

by Dr. Stephen Phinney, Dr. Jeff Volek & Dr. Eric Westman

Think you know the Atkins Diet? Think Again. The New Atkins is...


Learn how to eat the wholesome foods that will turn your body into an amazing fat-burning machine.


The updated and simplified program was created with you and your goals in mind.


Atkins is about eating delicious and healthy food -- a variety of protein, leafy greens and other vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole grains.


Perfect for busy lifestyles: you can stick with Atkins at work, at home, on vacation, when you're eating out -- wherever you are.

Backed by Science:

More than 50 studies support the low-carb science behind Atkins.

But Atkins is more than just a diet. This healthy lifestyle focuses on maintenance from Day 1, ensuring that you'll not only take the weight off -- you'll keep it off for good. Featuring inspiring success stories, all-new recipes, and 24 weeks' worth of meal plans, The New Atkins for a New You offers the proven low-carb plan that has worked for millions, now totally updated and even easier than ever.

Mis au point dans les années 1970 par le cardiologue Robert Atkins, ce régime est le plus célèbre de la planète. Il aurait été suivi par plus de 60 millions d’Américains. Basé sur une forte réduction des glucides, ce régime est particulièrement efficace, mais souffrait jusqu’ici d’une mauvaise réputation chez les médecins qui lui reprochaient d’être trop restrictif, donc difficile à suivre sur le long terme; déséquilibré (œufs, bacon, beurre, viande rouge, trop de graisses, pas assez de fruits et légumes); de s’accompagner d’effets secondaires gênants (au début fatigue, migraines). Tout change avec le nouveau régime Atkins. La méthode Atkins a évolué pour mieux refléter les connaissances en nutrition. Du coup, le nouveau régime Atkins est conseillé par les plus grands chercheurs en nutrition comme ceux de Harvard.Le nouveau régime Atkins est (avec le régime IG) le seul dont l’efficacité à long terme est soutenue par des études scientifiques. Souple et équilibré, avec davantage de légumes et d’aliments complets, il permet de personnaliser son alimentation en fonction de ses goûts et peut même être suivi par des végétariens.  Le nouveau régime Atkins est sûr et n’a plus les inconvénients du passé.Voir le dossier de presse sur ce titre.

End Carb Confusion (New Atkins For a New You - Chinese Edition)

by Dr. Stephen Phinney, Dr. Jeff Volek & Dr. Eric Westman

This book follows the basic principles of dialectical diet in traditional Chinese medicine, and introduces more than 290 kinds of health-preserving medicinal diets in detail. The book is divided into six parts. Firstly, an overview of the 10 common medicinal herbs and herbal diets will be described, and the selection of ingredients, medicinal materials, and preparation methods in the medicinal diet will be explained in detail. The second part selects 9 kinds of constitutions that are common to Chinese people, and selects the medicinal diet for nourishing the constitution in a targeted manner. The third part focuses on the selection and compatibility of medicinal materials, as well as the dietary taboos of medicinal diet, so that health can be born from within. The fourth part and the fifth part respectively start from two aspects of the four seasons and the five viscera, and introduce a variety of medicinal diets related to syndrome differentiation. The sixth part focuses on explaining the symptomatic medicinal diet for various diseases, and explains it according to the common diseases in daily life.