
Dr. Joseph R. Kraft, MD, MS, FCAP was a doctor specialized in pathology. He was Chairman of the Department of Clinical Pathology and Nuclear Medicine at St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, Illinois for 35 years, and was appointed Chairman Emeritus upon retirement.

He wrote the book Diabetes Epidemic & You, which is based on his accumulated experience of 14,384 oral glucose tolerances and insulin assays (which are now known as “Kraft Tests”) which were done between 1972 to 1998 at the St. Joseph Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.

From Dr. Kraft’s studies, he discovered that despite high insulin levels (or hyperinsulinemia), glucose tolerance can be totally normal. Today, this still remains undiagnosed in clinical practice.  Hyperinsulinemia is essentially no different from early diabetes and denotes and increased risk for certain chronic diseases.

Diabetes Epidemic & You

by Dr. Joseph Kraft, MD, MS, FCAP

DIABETES EPIDEMIC and YOU is not a cliché! It is a mandate for the awakening of the "silent" millions worldwide with "normal" fasting blood sugars and undiagnosed diabetes. If you have a "normal" fasting blood sugar, YOU may be one of the undiagnosed millions. YES, I do mean YOU.

Since Hippocrates' time, earliest diagnosis provided the greatest opportunity for treatment and cure. This book highlights the earliest identification of type 2 diabetes by utilizing the insulin assay with the oral glucose tolerance.

My cumulative experience of 14,384 oral glucose tolerances with insulin assays established the earliest diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes when the blood sugars were normal. Prediabetes is type 2 diabetes. The tolerances were separated according to age groups, from 3Ð13 years to 81Ð90+ years. Each group was further divided into normal glucose tolerances, impaired glucose tolerances, and diabetes mellitus glucose tolerances. YOU, upon testing by oral glucose tolerance, will be in one of these categories.

This resource of oral glucose tolerance with insulin assay is unequaled in world medical literature. The importance of early diagnosis is that the clinical pathology of diabetes – mainly heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cataracts, erectile dysfunction, and other metabolic disorders – occurs not only in those with advanced diabetes, but also in those with "normal" blood sugars.